Saturday, November 07, 2009

Just got back from Illustrator Day...

and boy are my arms tired!

Actually I'm really just tired in general. I was paying all sorts of attention at the conference...and gabbing. You have to do so much networking and talking and networking and smiling and talking some more. It's nice though when you get into it...but it's a sloggingly long day. It's the worst when you have to stand nearby while you're waiting for the big art director or art rep to finish talking with another conference attendee...I only pulled it off by shuffling, fidgeting and looking awkward. That's the best way to go about it...

In the meantime I did some drawing...there's a lot of sitting around, so I was able to get to the sketches for a project I was just commissioned for. Character design roughs for a pitch. It doesn't have to be a fully realized character, but just the mood and tone for what they want. This is the first sketch:


Now - it's not bad, but it's also just the first try. And, mind you, I don't draw people too often...much less adult people. I then had to keep trying, especially since I was drawing in my sketchbook amongst all these really good children's book illustrators (or at least people, like me, making the attempt). So I went on with this one. It has more of a story and kind of a cool idea that just hit me while I was zoning out during one of the breaks (not during one of the talks, because I pay close attention).


Definitely better - but there was still a more interesting part of his story that sounded like fun to first I was just drawing a bunch of heads trying to find a better look for the character, but then this idea/pose struck me...starting with the face biting off the head of a small rodent:


I just scanned all of these in to show the client (he wants approval before I move on to the complete color rough)...and I did a small bit of touching up and adding a little bit of color to help the mood. I'm sending them off and we'll see what he says...

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