Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy Pantry: Teenage Caffeinated Ninja Coffee

 We've been watching a lot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lately.  Not the movie…and not the old cartoon - but the Nickelodeon one that's been running for the last 3 years or so.  It helps that we work at Nickelodeon and that my wife is actually on that show.  But it's a pretty engaging show!  They've done a different take on the characters and have slowly introduced new characters as well as brining in old ones.  I'm still waiting to for Bebop and Rock Steady…which have yet to show up…

 Leonardo was always my favorite - it could have been because he was the leader or maybe, because he had the deadliest weapons (the swords)…or it might just have been that his mask was blue…

The Teenage Vegetable Ninja Peas also had to get in on the action - so I did a quick drawing with them as well.  Leonardo is still the best one there...

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