Tuesday, April 28, 2009

IF: Theater

So apparently I have a gallery show coming up at Nickelodeon in July.  It's funny because I had petitioned about 2 years ago and was given this date...and since the time dragged on and on and on, I almost completely forgot.  Then, on Saturday morning, I woke up with just the hint of my dream left...in it, I was being told that my gallery show wasn't good enough so they would need to bring in another artist to fill out and save the show.  And that reminded me that I just might possibly have a gallery show in July.  So I have 2 months to make this happen.  I have about 30 images I would be confident with putting up, but I want more...a hell of a lot more...
This is a rough for the Illustration Friday theme Theater.  Now that I have a gallery show to work towards, these sorts of roughs will actually get finished up.  I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the week...

And in a bit of terrible news...my visitor counter has disappeared! I went to the website that hosted it and it too had vanished (or would not come up...). So I had to start over...it's all very sad.


Darcy Melton said...

Oh my gosh! I love this! I love how clean your style is. Congrats on your show!

Vhrsti said...

This is lovely!

G.Gunther said...

Congrats on your show.

Uh, what's a Nickelodeon gallery show?

It's got to be a huge thing as Nickelodeon is BIG!

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