Monday, April 20, 2009

IF: Impossibility

This is a picture (not quite done, but it needed to be posted) that is full of impossibility.

It turns out it's impossible to actually dig your way to china. For a little panda wanting to go home, he needed another option.
Another thing is that they're impossibly cute. Even in this unfinished piece, they're so cute it hurts.
I was also going to say it was impossible for a panda to be holding a shovel and trying to dig to china, but it's probably more highly improbable...
Oh - and finally - it's impossible for me to draw these characters holding something over their heads and actually have their hands reach...why did I create them with such stubby arms?


Duncan said...

Lovely fun illustration - cute panda & pig, you got a lot of dilemas going on in this.

MrBibleHead said...

Very cute. Isaac, you have a fun and wonderful style! Great stuff!

leolietje said...

cute characters Isaac!

Chris Kennett said...

Very nice. I like the stubby arms comment, made me chuckle.

aeneadellaluna said...

the pig and panda are so cute and adorable :P also eco friendly :P

Anonymous said...

good idea... nice piece, the pig is talented since its good at balancing things on its head ;-)

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