Thursday, November 30, 2006

closer look at the smaller box...

I decided to post this one a bit bigger than it is in the other picture...I really like how it turned out...the background could use a bit of work, but I just wanted to drop down some green and a basic blue sky to finish the piece.
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Detail: Adelia falls from the tree
Painted in Photoshop

Pinguino: Adelia doesn't fall far from the tree...

I painted this last night in Photoshop. I used one of the brushes the program provides to try to add a bit of texture to the painting so that it didn't look so computer generated. Things seem to be coming along quite nicely...I have several more ideas that just have to be drawn before I can come in and paint them. I think I might end up seperating the two boxes as my original idea doesn't seem as good (of having a large box with big action in it, and a smaller box for reaction or consequence or so I have a chance to say something that I think is funny, but is probably just lame). This really came about by this second piece in the Pinguino series having two drawings that I really seems a shame to shrink one of them...
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Adelia climbs a tree
Painted in Photoshop

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pinguino: Adelia the Penguin in a tree

This is the second in my series on Adelia the Penguin. This is only the beginning stages of this piece (the first drawing I did was too stiff, so I tried to put some action into this one.). I did a rough which I scanned into my computer and I did a quick cleanup of it in Illustrator. This isn't the same type of cleanup I'd do professionally...I just quickly cleanup the linework so I have something very solid to work with when I transfer it over to watercolor paper. I'll probably paint this in photoshop before I try it for expect that in the next week or so!

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Adelia in tree
Illustrator Cleanup

Adelia painted in photoshop

I'm not really into the watercolor version of this piece - which is why I did this one...
I'm also trying to develop it into something...which is why it's set down a bit different. I thought adding the cleanup underneath, as well as the english version of what the piece says as something that makes it more of a complete piece...but I still feel like it's missing something...
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Adelia the Adelie
painted in photoshop

Adelia the Adelie

I was thumbnailing a bit and came up with this character. I liked it enough to try and do a series of paintings with this as it's subject matter. The text on the drawing will eventually be done in illustrator or even photoshop...I just wanted to see how it would look...and the way I work, it looks messy...I didn't want to just say penguin...the word (Pinguino) is penguin in Italian.
Adelia the Adelie Penguin (the name Adelia came by accident as I was saving my first illustrator cleanup version of the file...and it seemed that Adelia would make a good name for a penguin...). I painted this very quickly...just trying to get a feel for it - I'm not sure of the color of the penguin yet...I don't want it to be too dark...and not terribly light either...

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Adelia the Adelie Penguin
Pencil and Watercolor

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This actually isn't a penguin...

I was going through some old art pieces and this was always one of my favorites from college. I did this in 1999 during a background painting for animation class. It was done in acrylics and then scanned into photoshop where I added some sky elements and brightened the colors a bit...
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tropical background (1999)
Acrylics (and Photoshop)

Monday, November 06, 2006

My Penguin Virgin

So - this is my final painting for the Virgin Show ( It was cleaned up in pencil and then watercolored using Dr Martin Watercolor dyes (which is all I ever use for my watercolors...). The colors came out quite a bit more vibrant than I expected...I tried to do a lot of detail for the penguin character to make up for the lack of color in the snow. I did the minimum of color in the snow to try to make it look as much like a blanket of freshly fallen snow as possible. I put it up in the gallery for $250. I also changed the title which follows under the picture.
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Walking through freshly fallen snow (or - How I cured my raging atheletes foot)
Pencil and Watercolor

My first nonpenguin painting

I've been incredibly busy finishing up the piece I entered into the "Virgin Show" gallery. Right after that I wanted to start a series of penguin drawings - and in the middle of my research I ran across this bird - it's called a Northern Gannet...I liked it's coloring and shape so much I had to paint it. I sort of fudged the brown color of it a bit (they're mostly white with a light brownish patch on the back of their head), but I used a bit more brown to even it out and help add depth.
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Northern Gannet
Pencil and Watercolor
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