Friday, August 20, 2010

IF: An Atmosphere of cute

The atmosphere around here is relief.  I've been working on finishing this project for the last three weeks and I'm finally done.  There are some loose ends to tie up (I just revised the parade illustration and need to recolor it), but it's all up and ready to be viewed.

I've been drawing the characters for just over a year...they started out as the sidekicks to another character I draw, but then they really felt like they deserved their own world.

Anyway - we'll see where it goes...


Nathanael Lark said...

These guys look great in color!

Morph Waffle said...

I love your atmosphere of cute.

Unknown said...

Well done Isaac, I really love these little fellas and feel I've gotten to know them over the last year - I always look forward to your IF posts, great work

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