Saturday, July 30, 2016

Anyone still playing the Pokemons?

I have an addictive personality.  It usually comes out in video games - so I've made a point to not buy any of the new systems as they come out so I play through whatever games I had, and I can put it all away.

The only problem is that then I see phone apps, and those become my obsession.  The first was Bejeweled Blitz, and then Angry Birds, and now I'm addicted to the Pokemon Go game.

It's the worst.  But I can't stop!

Besides Pidgies - I seem to be getting a lot of Cubones these days....

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Happy Pantry: Coffee in the Morning

Coffee in the morning is a must.  It's almost a state of emergency when you've run out of coffee filters and all you need is that one cup to get you started.  Will a sock work?  Will an old t-shirt?  How bad would it be to just drink the grinds?  I bet gritty coffee would actually pep you up a bit faster.  It'd be chokier....and it would be a good idea to brush your teeth straight afterwards, to avoid black bits all over your teeth...but love will find a way.  You will drink that coffee at any cost.  I'd probably use an old (clean) facecloth...if I had to.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Happy Pantry - Peanut Butter and Chocolate and celery?

Fan Art: Pikachu

I was at an anime festival this weekend - The big Anime Expo - at the Los Angeles Convention Center - it was an insane amount of anime and cosplay and people....and sweat.  There was so much sweating!

I was in artist alley - and Pikachu was well represented with actual licensed merchandise and tons more fan art depictions.  That inspired me to do a pokaball with Pikachu.  Pokaball doesn't actually mean anything, I just made that up because I've been drawing characters as balls lately, and this seemed appropriate.

Pikachu - I chews you...heh....cause I'm hungry.
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