Monday, March 28, 2011

Squaremania: Sad Panda

I did this in photoshop using a wacom tablet.  Just as I finished I wondered why I just used the cintiq as a screen instead of drawing on it...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kids for microstock

I did this for the stock illustration sites (like Dreamstime, Shutterstock, and Istockphoto):

as well as this one...originally he was also supposed to just be holding something...but he held this up in front of him...and I thought it'd be cool if it was an x-ray:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Squaremania - Tea and Pandas

If you're going to have some tea....feel free to stir in some panda.  It's probably not sanitary, but it sure tastes terrible.  But disregard the taste, because you're drinkin' high priced panda tea.  Only winners drink panda tea.

Nothing tastes better than endangered animals!  Also, if this actually were to happen, I'd suggest green tea, it just seems like the right direction...

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Microstock report for February 2011

Microstock sales were up this month:

Shutterstock, once again, led the way with 39% of the total sales.

And it was a best month ever for Vectorstock - which finally broke the $20 mark for a single month!
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