Monday, October 06, 2008

Adelia: Menacing Shadow

I haven’t forgotten about Adelia...

I've just been really busy. I've been meaning to submit my Adelia children's book story, but still haven't. I go back to work in about a week or so - which means I have just about that amount of time to get it done.

In the meantime - I've been working on a lot of freelance projects to fill up all that time I could be slobbing in front of the tv playing a video game.

At the beginning of my haitus I did a couple of watercolor paintings, but haven't had a chance to do much since.

Currently - when I'm not doing freelance work - I'm looking towards the future - getting into licensing. I want to license my characters or prints or posters or something based on something I've drawn. The best bet, so far, would be Adelia. I did this drawing while working on my current freelance (the children's game, whose details I'm not allowed to discuss until after it's printed)...

The scan made it come out all yellow and brown - but it's just blue pencil cleaned up with a regular HB pencil. I thought it was an original idea, but it turns out I am just copying an idea Tracey had for a painting she drew about two weeks ago. In any case, I don't think I'd be able to market this picture any - but I like just being able to draw Adelia. I cleaned it up in Illustrator and then colored it:

It's a different coloring style than I usually go with for Adelia - but one I'm trying to practice for any and all other paintings I do in Photoshop. I hate that photoshop looking painting where it looks like it was painted in photoshop. Everything comes out all rubbery and fake. I still have tendencies in that direction (as I don't paint in photoshop as often as I'd like), but I'm working on improving. I love the way brushstrokes look, and I'm trying to move in that direction. I also repainted (touched up mostly) Adelia without any lines, just to see what that would look like. I think the colors need to have more contrast, but it looks pretty cool without any lines at all...

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